Volunteer Opportunity Details

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2025-2026 Accounting & Auditing Advisory Committee

Signup Deadline: 01-09-2025
Starts: 05-01-2025
Ends: 04-30-2026



The Accounting & Auditing Advisory Committee reviews exposure drafts and notifies VSCPA staff about significant changes in accounting and auditing standards and regulations, including those from governmental bodies. The Committee actively seeks input from VSCPA members on the challenges facing accounting and auditing professionals and may form ad hoc groups to address specific exposure drafts or alerts that require specialized expertise. Meeting frequency and time commitments vary based on the activity level in the accounting and auditing sector, but members can expect monthly virtual meetings. This is a highly selective committee; only fellow members with expertise in COSO, FASAB, FASB, GAGAS, GAO, GASB, IASB, IFAC, OAB, or PCAOB will be considered for membership. 


What Volunteers Gain: 

Volunteers will gain valuable leadership experience, insights into emerging trends, and the opportunity to influence the future of Virginia's accounting profession by enhancing their expertise in professional standards. 

Volunteers Needed: 9-13 

Term Limits & Renewal: Chair and vice chair serve two-year terms in each position. No term limits for members. Renewal based on participation and interest. 

Time Commitment 

  • Monthly virtual meetings – generally 30 minutes or less in duration 

  • Attendance at in-person Leaders’ Summit in May 2025 

  • Additional time for reviewing exposure drafts and drafting comments 

Required Experience: 

Manager-level or higher professionals with knowledge and experience related to application of professional standards used for accounting and auditing work. 


  • Monitor and respond to exposure drafts related to accounting and auditing 

  • Review Virginia legislation as needed 

  • Provide content for VSCPA events and publications as needed 


Board or Committee Service
Diversity Equity and Inclusion Initiatives
Tax Services

Volunteers Needed:

15 (15 open slots)

Experience Required:

4 - 6 Years Experience




Emily Walker
Vice President, Advocacy & Pipeline

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